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What is a map price?

Note that, as its name suggests, MAP is the minimum cost that a retailer can advertise. This is not necessarily the price that can be offered in a store, just the lowest they can show online. MAPs are set for almost every product. This pricing policy is practiced all around the world, despite not being legalized in some countries.

What is Minimum Advertised Pricing (map)?

If you're in retail, you have to deal with the hurdles of minimum advertised pricing (MAP). MAP is meant to protect the manufacturers of products, but it can handcuff a retailer when it comes to advertising those products. Here's what you need to know about MAP pricing and how it will impact your business. What Is MAP Pricing?

What is the difference between map and MSRP pricing?

They are basically two different pricing methods. Unlike MAPs, MSRPs offer guidance on the selling price of a product. Simply put, manufacturers convey what they believe the price of the product should be through MSRPs. On the other hand, MAP pricing only addresses the advertising of the product.

Is map pricing legal?

That’s the difference. Minimum advertised pricing only addresses the advertised price of a product or service – it does not dictate to a retailer what they can sell it for in their store. As such, MAP pricing is legal under U.S. antitrust statutes.

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